Huan Yan

Depart: Marketing

Title: Associate Professor

Office: Comprehensive Building 405

Email: yanhuan_btbu@163.com

Yan Huan


TitleAssociate Professor



l Overview

Ø Education

2009-2012 Studied in Business School of Renmin University of China for Doctors Degree.
2001-2004 Studied in Business School of Renmin University of China for Masters Degree.
1997-2001 Studied in Management School of Zhongnan University of Economy and Law for Bachelors Degree.

Ø Working Experiences

2012-Present Teaching in Business School of Beijing Technology and Business University

l Research Interests

Brand Management\Services Marketing\Consumer Behavior

l Courses

Marketing Principle \Service Marketing\Marketing Decision Simulation

l Publications

1.The over-categorization effect: How the number of categorizations influences shoppers' perceptions of variety and satisfaction. , Journal of Business Research. Mar2015, Vol. 68 Issue 3, p631-638. 8p.(SSCI) 2015, 2015, 68(3): 631-638

(2) The Effects of Trust Signals on Online Retailers Sales, Business Research, 2015, 10(462): 145-149
